Fixes to the Stroboscope Experiment simulation
Farid Minawi
February 22, 2023
blended learning, bug fixes, code fixes, distance learning, dry lab, experiment, fixes, online stroboscope, online stroboscope simulation, online virtual, periodic motion, simulation, slow apparent motion, stationary appearance, Stroboscope, stroboscope simulation, stroboscopy, virtual lab, virtual stroboscope, virtual stroboscope simulation, التعلم عن بعد, الحركة الدورية, تجربة, تعلم خليط, تعليم خليط, حركة ظاهرية, حركة ظاهرية بطيئة, ستروبوسكوب, سكون ظاهري, محاكاة, محاكاة ستروبوسكوب, مختبر افتراضي
Since the frequency of the slow apparent motion in the stroboscope experiment varies depending on various factors that are not taken into consideration in the simulation, an essential change has been made to the code of the Stroboscope Experiment simulation to address the frequency of this apparent motion in the observation remarks.
Also, the programming that determines how the spot and blurring circle appear has been changed to produce more realistic behavior.