One-Dimensional Elastic Collision Simulation
For more information about this simulation go to: Simulation Manual: Elastic Collision in One Dimension.
للمزيد من المعلومات عن هذه المحاكاة إذهب إلى: دليل المحاكاة: التصادم المرن الأحادي البعد.
For more information about this simulation go to: Simulation Manual: Elastic Collision in One Dimension.
للمزيد من المعلومات عن هذه المحاكاة إذهب إلى: دليل المحاكاة: التصادم المرن الأحادي البعد.
These simulations were made using the Adobe Flash/AcrtionScript. You can download them and run then in Windows.
In this game, you must employ the projectile equations to win.
The game consists of three levels, each of which must be completed by scoring at least 8 out of a possible 10 tries. In the first level, you must hit a ground target that shifts position after each attempt. In the second level, you will need to alter the ball’s trajectory to pass over a wall. In the third level, the target flies and changes position both horizontally and vertically in each trial.
A complete manual for the charging by induction simulation, including a short introduction and a user guide.
الدليل الكامل لمحاكاة التأثير الكهروضوئي، يشتمل على مقدمة قصيرة ودليل الاستخدام.
A complete manual for the refraction of light simulation, including a short introduction and a user guide.
With this rich simulation, you can visualize and measure the phase difference between two sound waves using two microphones connected to an oscilloscope. Moreover, you can determine the speed of sound in air by measuring the distance between the two microphones when their waveforms are in phase, taking into account the frequency of the sound wave that is controlled by the sine wave generator.