Refraction of Light Simulation
For more information about this simulation go to: Simulation Manual: Refraction of light.
For more information about this simulation go to: Simulation Manual: Refraction of light.
A useful simulation for the students in their studies and for the physics teachers in their presentations of electricity lessons.
The simulation includes alternating generators (AC) and direct generators (DC).
In this simulation, the oscilloscope can display waves coming from generators similar to the real ones.
I updated the graphical user interface for easier interaction and better fitting in the browser. I also optimized the code.
This is a simple simulation that shows the difference between one-dimensional motion, that can be described by means of one axis, the x-axis, and the two-dimensional motion, that needs an additional axis, the y-axis to be described.
الدليل الكامل لمحاكاة التأثير الكهروضوئي، يشتمل على مقدمة قصيرة ودليل الاستخدام.
A complete manual for the elastic collision in one dimension simulation, with a mathematical explanation of the derivation of the expressions of the final velocities in terms of the masses and the initial velocities.
If you or your student or child are having difficulties in learning long division, then you will find this simulation comprehensive and instructional, that guides the learner through the process step by step. This application is for long division with float quotient. Another application on long division with remainder is also available in the simulations section.