Updates to Stroboscope Simulation
I updated the graphical user interface for easier interaction and better fitting in the browser. I also optimized the code.
I updated the graphical user interface for easier interaction and better fitting in the browser. I also optimized the code.
I updated the graphical user interface for easier interaction and better fitting in the browser. Also, I made a minor bug fix to the code.
I updated the graphical user interface for easier interaction and better filling in the browser, and most importantly, I made several bug fixes to the code.
الدليل الكامل لمحاكاة الشحن بالتحريض، يشتمل على مقدمة قصيرة ودليل الاستخدام.
A complete manual for the charging by induction simulation, including a short introduction and a user guide.
دليل كامل لمحاكاة التصادم المرن في بعد واحد، مع شرح رياضي لاشتقاق تعبيرات السرعات النهائية من حيث الكتل والسرعات الابتدائية.
A complete manual for the elastic collision in one dimension simulation, with a mathematical explanation of the derivation of the expressions of the final velocities in terms of the masses and the initial velocities.
The complete guide to the photoelectric effect simulation, including a short introduction and a user guide.
الدليل الكامل لمحاكاة التأثير الكهروضوئي، يشتمل على مقدمة قصيرة ودليل الاستخدام.
With this comprehensive and realistic-like photoelectric effect experiment simulation, you will be able to illustrate the following:
The variations of the photocurrent versus potential.
The variations of the photocurrent versus light intensity.
The variation of the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons versus the incident light frequency.
It comes with a graph where you can trace each type of variation as you vary the parameters of the experiment.
Plus, you can experiment and discover more with this simulation.